These are the default button style, select between any color you want.
Rounded button style using any color from skin.
Square button style using any color from skin.
Outline button style using any color from skin.
Outline Rounded
Same as default outline but with rounded borders.
Outline Square
Same as default outline but with square borders.
Alternative 3d style with any skin color.
3D Rounded
Same as default 3D but with rounded borders.
3D Square
Same as default 3D but with square borders.
Modern style alternative, with any skin color.
Modern Rounded
Same as default modern style but with rounded borders.
Modern Square
Same as default modern style but with square borders.
Gradient style alternative, using the skin color.
Gradient Outline
Same as default gradient style but with outline borders.
Shadow style alternative, using the skin color.
Block Buttons
Toggle States
Checkbox Buttons
Radio Buttons
Dropdown Buttons
Arrow Buttons
Arrow Buttons Outline
Buttons Icons
Buttons With Badge
Purchase Only $17Play Button
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Porto Elements
Porto comes with several elements options, it's easy to customize
and create the content of your website's pages.